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Climate Adaptation in Action: What are we doing to prepare for the changes ahead? RECORDING

Forum webinars and events

Climate adaptation is one of the three goals of the climate forum, and to be successful it needs to be undertaken in partnership with the other goals; reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving a just transition for all.

At this webinar we have heard some of the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council staff explain us what Central Government and Councils are doing, and introduce the Regional Climate Change Risk Assessment which is underway.

We also discussed the importance of building resilient communities that are able to face both short and long term changes while cultivating environmental, social and economic sustainability.  To inspire and motivate us we have made a climate action seasonal calendar available on this website, and later as a printed version.

The session has been rounded off with discussions in the breakout rooms between people from the same suburbs or townships in order to “meet your neighbors”, and discuss what actions you can take to improve the resilience of your community.

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