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Give Take The Jump a Boost


Starting next Monday, 6 November, we will be running a 12-day crowdfunding campaign for Take The Jump, a joyous, people-led movement to help everyday New Zealanders reduce their emissions and live healthier lives with less climate anxiety.

We’re at a turning point. We have adapted the campaign for Aotearoa and we have a great website, lots of posters, banners, cards and flyers to share the message. We also have an amazing group of JUMP ambassadors who have put hours into learning about the campaign and diving deep into what each shift means.

Now it’s time to bring Take The Jump to a wider audience. For this, we are aiming to raise $30,000 on the Givealittle platform between next Monday, 6 November, and Friday 17 November.

This is a sizeable sum when we think about raising it from our friends and supporters over 12 days! It’s also a fairly modest sum when considered beside a typical behavioural change campaign budget.

We need your help on two fronts:

1. Please donate early if possible to support the campaign and to help give it momentum.

2. Please share news of the campaign with friends via email, social media or in person. Support us on Facebook here.

Starting Monday, you will be able to donate here:

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Why Take The Jump?

Take The Jump emerged as an answer to that common question, “What can I do about climate change?”. It has specific suggestions to encourage resilience, wellbeing, social connection and living in balance with nature. It is also volunteer driven, which means the cost of this campaign is multiplied exponentially by the passion and dedication of volunteers.

Please help us grow this joyous people-powered movement together!

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