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Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan


DEADLINE – 5.5.2023.

Tasman District Council has prepared a draft Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan, which outlines the Council’s proposed response to climate change for the next 10 years and beyond.

During this public engagement round they want to hear your feedback on their draft document.

The Tasman region, like many other parts of the world, is facing the impacts of climate change. Rising sea levels, increasing temperatures, and more frequent extreme weather events are just some of the challenges that we face. The Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy highlights the importance of Tūpuna Pono/being good ancestors. We must act now to reduce emissions, prepare for current and future impacts, and respond to the effects we are already experiencing.

To address these challenges, we have developed a comprehensive draft Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan that will guide our efforts to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. But we know that we cannot do this alone. We need the input and support of our community to ensure that our strategy and action plan are effective, equitable, and responsive to the needs and concerns of everyone in the Tasman region.

Our draft Climate Response Strategy will guide our transition to a low-carbon, resilient, and innovative Tasman District. It outlines the key areas of focus for our efforts, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building climate resilience, leading by example and empowering communities to act. Our updated Climate Action Plan provides more detailed actions and initiatives to achieve these goals. It includes strategies for reducing emissions in the transport, energy, and waste sectors, as well as measures to enhance the resilience of our communities and ecosystems.

We are committed to ensuring that our strategy and action plan are based on the best available science, informed by the experiences and perspectives of our community, and aligned with national and international climate goals. We invite members of the public to provide feedback on our draft strategy and action plan. We want to hear your ideas, concerns, and suggestions for how we can improve our efforts to tackle climate change and build a more sustainable and resilient Tasman region.

Your feedback will be critical in shaping the final version of our strategy and action plan. We will carefully consider all the feedback we receive and use it to refine and improve our approach. We will also continue to provide regular progress updates on implementation of our Action Plan and engaging with the community to ensure that our efforts remain relevant and effective over time.

Please send us your feedback by 5 May 2023, by filling out the following form. Alternatively, you can email your suggestions to“.

More information and documents available on this page:

Some of our Forum members have prepared a Quick guide to responding to Tasman Climate Response Strategy and Action Plan that you can find on this page.

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