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NZ Emissions Trading Scheme Review



This ETS review follows advice from He Pou a Rangi | Climate Change Commission. It recommended that the Government consider amending the NZ ETS to provide more robust support for gross emissions reductions and manage the amount of exotic forest planting driven by the scheme.

Read the full consultation document here.

Read the summary consultation document here.

Read the frequently asked questions here.

Read the te reo Māori summary document here.

Read the ETS Review Summary of Modelling here.

A quick submission is a shorter version of this consultation.  It has four questions. Make a quick submission here. Make a full submission here.

You can make a joint submission on the NZ ETS review and redesign of the permanent forest category consultations here.

Both programmes are open for consultation at the same time because they are interlinked. They both have significant implications for the forestry sector, but also New Zealand’s climate change response, rural land-use change and Māori interests.

To make a joint submission for the consultations you can:

  • Write your submission in a word document or PDF
    • Try to target your feedback to the relevant consultation feedback questionnaire.
  • Submit your submission on the ‘provide general feedback’ page of either consultation
  • Tick the check box marked ‘Is this submission for both the NZ ETS review and redesign of the permanent forest category consultations?’

The Govt. want to hear your thoughts on both issues and will try to incorporate all your feedback on both topics, regardless of how you provide them feedback.

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