In 2020, TDC asked us to share our views and experiences on the District’s environmental and development issues and opportunities.
As a result of this first inquiry, they now have some draft options to consider around how we grow as a District, how our places look and feel, and how to care for our environment. More info here: There are several online and face to face community meetings planned between now and the closing date for submissions (12 December). The TDC website provides details of these.
We asked TDC staff for an online meeting focused on Tasman’s issues and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and for how we might address them through the TEP. This has now been arranged for Tuesday, the 22th of November (7 -8 pm). TDC staff will make a presentation, focusing on the main discussion paper “Managing Tasman’s Environment and Development”. This will be followed by a Q&A session.
If you are interested, please register under the following zoom link: